Warning Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Wiring
Is it time to call in the pros for electrical repair in Trumbull, CT? Many property owners don’t recognize the warning signs that it’s time. With little knowledge of wiring and other electrical components, they simply assume all is well with their system—until it’s too late.
To avoid electrical issues, power failures and potential fires, it’s important to make upgrades when they are needed. Look for the following signs that you need to upgrade your wiring:
- Frequent flips: Modern circuit breakers are designed to trip and turn off a circuit automatically if needed. This happens on occasion. However, if your circuit breaker trips frequently, this is a sign that the system is overloaded somewhere and needs attention. Exceeding safe capacity can lead to malfunctions and fires. If you experience this issue, contact your local electrician for electrical repair in Trumbull, CT.
- Flickering: Do your light fixtures flicker? If one lamp flickers, check that specific light fixture for issues. If more than one fixture regularly flickers, this could be a sign of a serious wiring issue. You may need to replace some failing wiring, upgrade your electrical wiring or make electrical repair in Trumbull, CT.
- Outlet issues: Are your electrical outlets acting up? They should never make buzzing noises, be hot to the touch or show char marks. If the outlet stops working, this is another obvious sign of wiring problems. If you experience any of these issues with an outlet, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for electrical repair in Trumbull, CT.
- Damaged wires: Keep an eye out for frayed wires, damaged wiring or cable splices. These serious issues are easy to miss, but they can cause extensive damage if not corrected. If you find any damaged wires or jobs that look like they were done by an amateur, contact a professional electrician for electrical repair in Trumbull, CT.
- Aluminum wiring: What type of electrical system does your property have? During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum wiring enjoyed a surge in popularity. Unfortunately, it was not a good choice. This metal expands and contracts with temperature changes, which can cause loose connections and fire hazards. If your home has aluminum wiring, consider upgrading to the more effective and safer copper wiring used today.
- Burning odor: If you ever smell an electrical burning odor, contact an electrician right away. While there may not be a fire in that moment, one is coming in the future. Electrical wiring can quietly burn for a long time before it finally becomes hot enough to fully ignite. At that point, it might be too late. Don’t miss this warning odor that could save your property and possibly your life.
Have you experienced any of these electrical issues? If so, don’t delay. Your electrical system is warning you that there is a problem that needs your attention. Contact your local electrician for electrical repair in Trumbull, CT right away. One visit from a professional can save you from future costly disasters. Reach out to the experts at New England Electrical Contracting, Inc. today for industry leading upgrades and service.