Prepare Your House Now For The 2020 Hurricane Season

As the saying goes, “Fortune favors the prepared”
This also applies to homeowners who want to take steps now to prepare for the 2020 hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has said that it’s likely we’ll see “above-normal” activity this year. This is due to multiple factors in the current climate, which may combine to create some very interesting and potentially dangerous weather patterns this year, including hurricanes.
Preparation is Key
According to NOAA, the hurricane season in the Atlantic region runs from June 1 and November 30th. As you may have noticed, we’ve already had a few pockets of severe weather and rain this season. This kind of weather can quickly turn into a potentially destructive force.
NOAA acknowledges that, as with every hurricane season, it’s important to prepare beforehand. Because of the shifting COVID-19 pandemic, it’s possible that last year’s plans for disaster preparedness may be affected. This includes what we choose to put in our go-kits (It is recommended to have a bag that we can grab-and-go in the event of an emergency) as well as the places that we designate to be family meet-up points.
In any case, we’ll need to keep our eye on weather forecasts and updates from the Climate Prediction Center as 2020 progresses. We’re already a couple months into the official hurricane season, so it’s more important than ever to be alert to potential weather hazards.
How To Protect Your Home
So, what does that mean for homeowners who want to protect their property and electrical systems?
Take action now to secure your home, and prepare for failures in municipal electrical services.
Energy spikes, brown-outs, and blackouts can all wreak havoc on your home electrical systems, including expensive computer equipment or home theater installations.
First, it’s important to have standard surge-protectors in place around the house. If applicable, consider purchasing surge protectors that are specifically designed for home theater systems.
Computers with sensitive data will benefit from a small battery backup system, such as those made by APC. These units can keep personal computers running for a few minutes after a sudden loss of power, enabling us to save work and shut down the computer safely.
It’s also important to invest in home generators when it’s critical for your house to receive continual clean power, especially in an emergency. Contact us about how a Generac generator could be a sound investment in your property and its electrical systems. If you are an existing customer, make sure that your service and maintenance is up to date!
We’d also like to remind our customers that we provide a range of emergency services and evaluations if you experience electrical situations that require fast professional service. Contact us for safety and service.
To read more about the 2020 Hurricane season, visit the NOAA Blog Post: